Are you looking for special offers or promotions for tickets purchased through the box office of a performing arts organization in St. Louis, Missouri? Look no further! COCA provides three convenient ways to purchase tickets for performances: online, by phone, or in person at the box office. Fans who buy a special themed ticket will receive an exclusive Cardinals cap honoring their favorite branch of the Air Force, Army and Coast Guard. Experience Peter Michael Marino's intimate and moving interpretation of the classic song in this exclusive solo performance at the Kennedy Center's grand concert hall.
The Kennedy Center commissioned eleven black dancers from historically white ballet companies to create and perform a new ballet in just two weeks. This event is presented by Renée Fleming and features world-class artists who performed and spoke with music therapists, researchers and scientists. REACH is a living theater where diverse forms of art come together to break down the barriers between the public and art. This permanent exhibition in the enormous rooftop atrium will explore Kennedy's appreciation and promotion of the arts and why the Kennedy Center became the living monument to him and his ideals.
Louis Queer+ Support Helpline, a grassroots, community-based, worker-led nonprofit organization dedicated to providing healing spaces and comprehensive support to queer St. Louis residents, is also available. This rotating cast of stellar improvisers is comprised of some of the best comedic minds working in comedy today, many of whom have been performing together for a decade or more. When you purchase a special themed ticket, you'll take home an exclusive double doll featuring Tommy Edman in the Korean team uniform and Lars Nootbaar in the Japan team uniform.